How to interpret the data within data reporting? Data reporting is only available to users if the account has 'reporting rights'.
1. Number of registered users:
This section provides insight into the number of registered users on the Mirro platform (per day and per month from the starting date of the contract). These users have completed the registration of their account (by creating a password) or have logged in via a Single Sign On from the intranet of their educational institution or employer.
Within data reporting, this is the only user data that is collected over several calendar years (if the contract was concluded in a previous year).
If you click on the orange 'All' button on the dashboard, you will see more information about the number of registered users (per day and per month) in the current calendar year, measured across the entire organization (i.e. across all underlying departments). Here you can also choose to see the figures from the previous calendar year.
Total of the current calendar year:
View per calendar year:
View per department:
The figure below shows the number of users who log in per day.
The figure below shows the number of newly registered users per calendar month.
The total of the months added together may be less than the total number of registered users, because the total number of registered users may also include users who registered in the previous year and logged in again in the new year. These are not reported in the number of registered users per month.
2. Users and Session:
This section provides insight into the number of sessions of the users (i.e. users of the entire organization). A session starts when someone logs into the Mirro platform and ends when someone actively logs out or is logged out after 120 minutes of inactivity. Users who registered in a previous year and who log in again in this year are also counted here.
In the example below, 587 users have logged in a total of 1191x, which is an average of 2x per user.
The table above shows the distribution of number of users per number of sessions. Most users complete the module in one go (68%). 22,5% of the users return one or two times at a later date to follow parts of the module again.
3. Modules:
This section provides insight into the number of consulted modules.
NB! If a user returns to the same module several times, this is counted as one module.
Example: a user who consults the module Work stress and the module Relationship problems counts twice in the module numbers; a user who logs in twice to the Work Stress module counts once in the module numbers.
The following also applies here: it concerns the number of modules consulted in the chosen calendar year.
Example use modules
In the example below, 587 users consulted an average of 722 modules in the current calendar year, an average of 1.2 per user. Of the 587 users, 124 did not visit any module (possibly only registered and not logged in, or possibly registered and logged in but only did the entry test, 21.1%), 336 users (over 57%) visited one module, etc.
If you scroll down within this data reporting segment, you will see the distribution of users across the various modules used. This is shown in a table.
In this example, 111 (of the aforementioned 587) users visited the Fear and Panic module one or more times in the past calendar year. This concerns more than 15% of all users this calendar year.
NB! This information is not always visible. This information only becomes visible if the data is based on at least 50 users, so that it is not possible to trace this information to individual users.
4. Modules and Sections:
This section provides insight into the number of module sections that have been consulted. A module consists of 8 main sections on average.
Construction of a module
A main component consists of 4 subsections. In total, a module therefore consists of an average of 8 x 4 = 32 sections. A user decides for himself which sections are relevant to him/her, there are no mandatory sections.
The following also applies here: it concerns the number of module sections consulted in the current calendar year.
Example use of module sections
In the example below, 462 users have consulted an average of 4667 module sections in the current calendar year, an average of 10,1 per user. Of the 462 users, 244 visited at most 4 module sections (almost 53% of the users), 82 (almost 18%) of the users visited 5 to 8 module sections, etc.
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